In the past week wheat, corn and soybeans prices in Chicago went down significantly. In Paris prices also declined but wheat remained with minimal decrease and corn and rapeseed went down more.
On Thursday wheat, corn and soybeans prices in Chicago were colored in green but the increases were little. In Paris corn price declined, rapeseed rose and wheat remained stable.
On Tuesday soybeans price in Chicago went down slightly. Wheat and corn prices remained almost stable. In Paris corn and wheat rose and rapeseed declined. The price variations for corn and rapeseed were minimal.
On Monday wheat and corn prices went down slightly. Soybeans price declined significantly. In Paris corn and rapeseed decreased and wheat slightly went up.
In the past week soybeans price in Chicago sharply rose followed by corn. Wheat price however went down during the week. In Paris wheat and corn decreased moderately and rapeseed rose slightly.
On Thursday soybean price in Chicago erupted after the October USDA report. Corn price rose and wheat declined. In Paris rapeseed price went up and wheat and corn remained stable.
On Tuesday prices of wheat, corn and soybean remained steady in Chicago. In Paris, price of rapeseed fell significantly followed by that of wheat. Price of corn remained unchanged.