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Grain Highlights 16.04.2024

According to data from APK-Inform in March, 52,400 tons of sunseed were exported from Ukraine, which is twice as much as in February.

Grain Highlights 15.04.2024

According to the forecast by UkrOliyaProm for 2024/25, the production of main oilseeds in Ukraine will be 21 million tons /-3% compared to 2023/2014 – 21.668/.

Grain Highlights 14.04.2024

Conab has lowered its forecast for soybean production in Brazil by 336,000 tons to 146.5 million tons (-5.2% compared to the previous season).

Grain Highlights 11.04.2024

According to the forecast of APK-Inform for 2024, the wheat production in Kazakhstan is expected to reach 12.53 million tons /11.14 in 2023/.

Grain Highlights 10.04.2024

Chinese buyers have canceled a purchase of 504,000 tons of wheat from the United States, which is the largest canceled deal in history.

Grain Highlights 09.04.2024

According to USDA data as of April 7, 2024, 3% of the planned spring wheat areas have been planted in the United States.

Grain Highlights 08.04.2024

According to the forecast of the Federation of Indian Millers in 2024, the wheat harvest in the country will be 105 million tons (-6.25% compared to 2023).

Grain Highlights 05.04.2024

As of 04.04.2024, 35,600 hectares of sunseed have been sown in Ukraine, which is less than 1% of the planned areas, which are expected to reach 5.288 million hectares.

Grain Highlights 04.04.2024

In 2024, India's rapeseed production is forecasted to reach a record 12.09 million tons according to the SEA forecast (+7% compared to 2023).