Grain and Oilseed Reports

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Grains Market Overview 09.02.2021

On 08.02.2021, CBOT wheat, corn and soybean futures have increased significantly. In Paris, wheat and corn prices have slightly risen. There was a strong growth in the price of rapeseed in Paris.

Weekly Analysis 01.02.2021 - 07.02.2021

CBOT SRW wheat futures have fallen over the past week. The prices of the nearby corn contracts remained stable, while those of the new crop rose. The prices of nearby soybean contracts fell slightly and those from the new crop grew steadily.

Grains Market Overview 05.02.2021

On 04.02.2021, CBOT March SRW wheat and corn futures dropped significantly. There was a weak growth in Chicago March soybean futures. In Paris, wheat prices were volatile and corn and rapeseed prices rose.

Grains Market Overview 03.02.2021

On 02.02.2021, CBOT wheat, corn and soybean futures fell slightly. In Paris, wheat price for old crop rose, but the price of the new 2021/22 wheat crop dropped. Corn price continued to rise and there was a slight drop in rapeseed prices.

Grains Market Overview 02.02.2021

On 01.02.2021, CBOT wheat and soybean futures slightly fell and corn futures rose. In Paris, wheat price dropped and corn and rapeseed prices were volatile.

Weekly Analysis 25.01.2021 - 31.01.2021

Over the previous week, CBOT wheat, corn and soybean futures have increased significantly. In Paris, wheat, corn and rapeseed prices have also gone up but to a smaller extent.

Grains Market Overview 29.01.2021

On 28.01.2021, CBOT SRW wheat futures dropped significantly and soybean futures have plummeted. At the same time, Chicago corn futures slightly increased thanks to strong Chinese support. In Paris, wheat and rapeseed prices fell and corn prices fluctuated.

Grains Market Overview 28.01.2021

On 27.01.2021, CBOT SRW wheat futures slightly fell. There was a weak growth in Chicago Mar 21 corn and soybean futures. In Paris, wheat and corn prices were volatile and rapeseed price increased significantly.