Canada: Soybean Consumption Will Have A Slight Increase In The New Season

2017 – 2018 soybean production in Canada will grow to 6.8 mln tons versus 6.5 mln tons in the current year. In the previous two good seasons yield was 6.4 mln tons and 6 mln tons.

Beginning stocks in the new season will be 0.2 mln tons lower than the current one. In the beginning of 2015 – 2016 stocks were 0.5 mln tons.

In 2017 – 2018 soybean supply in the country will be 7.3 mln tons versus 7.1 mln tons in the current season. Over the new season, soybean import in the country will be 0.3 mln tons – no change for the last two seasons.

Canada's soybean export potential is estimated at 4.6 mln tons versus 4.4 mln tons in the current season and 4.2 mln tons in 2015 – 2016.

Soybean consumption in Canada will be 2.5 mln tons – slight growth on the last two seasons.

Soybean ending stocks in the country will be 0.2 mln tons.