Oil World's latest forecasts

According to Oil World, in April 2017 1.07 mln. tonnes of canola seeds were exported from Canada

This April’s achievement provides a record result for the export in the first four months of the year in amount of 4.29 million tonnes. The key destination for the export remains China - 430,000 tonnes (448,000). Export to Japan reaches 145,000 tonnes (246,000), Pakistan - 131,000 tonnes (126,000), Mexico - 106,000 tonnes (92,000), USA - 85,000 tonnes (34,000). During the period August - April, Canada exported the record 8.56 million tonnes of canola. For the whole year, export can exceed the current estimate of 10.8 million tonnes. Thus Canada's canola ending stocks can reach a four-year minimum of 0.9 million tons.

According to Oil World's latest forecast, in 2016 - 2017, global soybean crop will amount to 248.24 million tonnes, up by 37.1 million tonnes compared to the previous year. Areas under soybeans cultivation in the world grew by only 1.4% and the average yield by 10.3%. Soybean production in South America reached 187 million tonnes, up by 20.8 million tonnes compared to last year and 42.5 million tonnes more than the average for the past four seasons. Global soybean consumption is growing to 328.2 million tonnes. From 2012 - 2013 up to date, the annual consumption growth averages to 16.7 million tonnes.

In April, major oil crops processing in Argentina increases by 0.3 million tonnes to 4.4 million tonnes. Sunflower processing reaches 433,000 tonnes (388,000). During the first four months of 2017, the processing of oil crops in the country reaches 12.9 million tonnes (14.07), incl. sunflower 1.4 million tonnes (1.3).

In 2016 – 2017 rapeseed import to the EU will reach 4.2 - 4.25 million tonnes given the previous forecast of 4.1 million tonnes. Purchases from Australia reach 2.6 million tonnes (1.83 million tonnes in 2015-2016), Ukraine - 0.91 million tonnes (1.11), and Canada - 630 000 tonnes. During the season, rapeseed processing in the EU will be 23.75 million tonnes (24.31) and ending stocks - 0.93 million tonnes (1.28).

Rapeseed production during the season remains unchanged at 20.41 million tonnes, which is the lowest figure for the past four years.

According to Oil World's updated report, India will reduce oil crops import in the current season by 0.2 million tonnes to 15 million tonnes, which will be offset by larger domestic production. As a result, India's share of the largest oil purchaser in the world will drop to 19 percent. At the same time, buyers like China, Bangladesh, Iran and other Asian and African countries are increasing their purchases.