Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

The government of Pakistan purchased 6.3 million tonnes of wheat from local farmers, given the planned 7.05 million tonnes at 310 USD/mt.

Bangladesh held a tender for the purchase of 50,000 tonnes of wheat. The lowest price offered is for Russian wheat - 259.97 USD /mt, C&F.

Conab's analysts raised their forecast for Brazil's corn crop in 2016-2017 up to 96 million tonnes from 93.8 million tonnes in the previous forecast. The total grain crop during the year will reach 237.2 million tonnes (+ 27.1%). The soybean crop is confirmed at 113.92 million tonnes.

According to latest data of Oil World, in October - July 2016 - 2017 India has increased the export of oil meals  (soybean and rapeseed) more than 3 times to 1.45 million tonnes at 403,000 tonnes a year earlier. The soybean meal reached 1.18 million tonnes (225,000) and rapeseed 266,000 tonnes (179,000). The major buyers of soybean meal were the EU 390,000 tonnes (3,000), Indonesia 31,000 tonnes (7,000), Japan 180,000 tonnes (21,000) and Vietnam 53,000 tonnes (13,000). The major buyer of rapeseed meal is South Korea 147,000 tonnes (74,000).

At the end of June, palm oil stocks in Malaysia grew slightly in the month by 0.2% to 1.56 million tonnes, the lowest monthly level since 2010. In the month, palm oil production in the country reached 1.62 million tonnes at 1.65 million tonnes in May. In June, palm oil export decreased by 8.2% to 1.38 million tonnes. Key buyers such as China, India and the EU cut their purchases because they have already filled their stocks. In the second half of the season oil stocks in the country will rise.