Grains And oilseeds News in Brief

At the end of July palm oil stocks in Indonesia reached a record high of 1.78 million tonnes - the highest level since April 2016 and with the highest monthly growth since April 2015.

According to MPOB, compared to June 2017, stocks increased by 16.8% in relation to production growth of 20.7% to 1.83 million tonnes. Growth of export increases by 1.3% to 1.4 million tonnes.

Saudi Arabia announced a tender for the purchase of 660,000 tonnes of feed barley for October shipment. At the previous auction for 1.5 million tonnes of barley 900,000 tonnes were purchased.

The Government of Bangladesh approved the import of 50,000 tonnes of wheat from Aston FFI. The batch was purchased earlier at 256.57 USD/mt, C & F.

Jordan purchased 50,000 tonnes of hard wheat of optional origin at price of 221.5 USD / mt, C & F for shipment in the first half of December. It is planned to 100,000 tonnes of wheat to be purchased