In 2017 – 2018г global sunflower oil production will decline slightly

According to Oil World in 2017 – 2018 global sunflower oil production will fall by 0.3 million tonnes compared to 2016-2017, down to 18.4 million tonnes.

The global oil supply will be at record high - 20.8 million tonnes against the backdrop of the high transitional stocks from the previous season.

The main reduction in production is at the expense of Ukraine with 0.5 million tonnes to 5.3 million tonnes. Export of sunflower oil from Ukraine will be 5.33 million tonnes to 5.84 million tonnes. Global trade of the product declined by 0.4 million tonnes.

Sunflower oil production in Russia will be 4.6 million tonnes and export 2.1 million tonnes.

India is expected to continue importing sunflower oil, which will benefit from a favorable tariff structure. Import into China will be directly related to other oil prices.