Grain Highlights

Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

In August, wheat export from Ukraine and Russia to countries in Asia reached a record level of 2.524 million tonnes at 2.079 million tonnes in August last year. The share of export to these countries reaches 40% of the total export.

News from Brazil

According to a research of the Agroeconomic Institute in the Brazilian state Matto Grosso IMEA, in the current season corn crop in the state will reach 30.45 million tonnes, which is 59% more than the crop in 2015 – 2016.

Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

In September - October India will receive 800,000 tonnes of wheat from the Black Sea region. Indian millers are in a hurry to fill their stocks at low prices having into account the not so good quality of the domestic wheat.