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Grain Highlights 29.12.2022

In its December report, the Ministry of Agriculture of Argentina forecast wheat exports from the country in 2022/23 of 4.8 million tons (14.5 in 2021/22).

Grain Highlights 28.12.2022

In 2022, the wheat production in Russia reaches 105.7 million tons of bunker weight (+26.6 compared to 2021), barley production is 24.6 million tons (19) and corn production reaches 13.9 million tons (16.1).

Grain Highlights 22.12.2022

According to Oil World's forecast, the global export of sunseed will reach 5.1 million tons in 2022 (2.2 in 2021).

Grain Highlights 21.12.2022

Brazil's Datagro lowered its forecast for the soybean production in Brazil in 2022/23 by 1.1 million tons to 152.2 million tons (125.6 in 2021/22).

Grain Highlights 20.12.2022

The export potential of Ukrainian wheat has dropped to 4 million tons. Until now, Turkey was actively buying wheat from Ukraine, but it has started redirecting transactions to Russia.

Grain Highlights 19.12.2022

According to a forecast by Strategie Grains, the soft wheat production in the EU will reach 128.7 million tons in 2023(125.5 in 2021/22). Corn production is projected at 63.7 million tons (50.5) and EU barley production is estimated at 52.5 million tons (51.3).

Grain Highlights 17.12.2022

According to a StoneX forecast, the drought in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul will reduce the first corn production to 4.51 million tons (5.38 in the preliminary estimate and 2.56 last season).

Grain Highlights 15.12.2022

Algeria has bought 520,000 tons of wheat at prices of 348 – 349 USD/ton C&F and delivery in February 2023. Most likely it will come from the EU.

Grain Highlights 14.12.2022

Wheat stocks in the state warehouses of India at the beginning of December reached the lowest level for the last 6 years – 19 million tons (37.85 a year earlier).

Grain Highlights 13.12.2022

According to data from the Ministry of Industry of Brazil, over the period of December 1-11, the country's corn exports reached 1.5 million tons, with a forecast for the entire month of 5.4 million tons.