Key Soybean Oil Exporter Countries Reduced Supply In January

Oil World's updated report states that, in January 2017, the four key soybean oil exporter countries exported 610,000 tons to the world market (751,000 tons in January 2016).

There has been export decline in Brazil and Argentina down to 400,000 tons (553,000) and 74,000 tons (78,000) respectively. 36,000 tons of oil (44,000) were exported from Paraguay while the USA exported 100,000 tons (76,000).

21,000 tons of soybean oil  (105,000) were exported to African countries including 2,000 tons (34,000) to Algeria and 34,000 tons (60,000) to Egypt. 371,000 tons (516,000) were exported to Asian countries including 238,000 tons (392,000) to India and 63,000 tons (81,000) to Bangladesh. 17,000 tons of oil (4,000) were exported to China and 32,000 tons (14,000) were exported to Malaysia. 53,000 tons of soybean oil (0) were delivered to the EU.