IGC Projected Weaker Grain Yield In Kazakhstan

In its February forecast, IGC decreased its grain yield in Kazakhstan in 2016 – 2017 to 19.4 mln tons down from 21 mln tons in its January forecast.

Beginning stocks in the country were 3.2 mln tons and annual import will be 0.1 mln tons.

Grain supply has been decreased from 24.2 mln tons to 22.7 mln tons.

Grain consumption in Kazakhstan will grow from 10.1 mln tons to 10.5 mln tons, including grain fodder from 4.6 mln tons to 4.9 mln tons.

Annual grain export from Kazakhstan will be 8.7 mln tons (9.8) while ending stocks will be 3.5 mln tons (4.3).