News In Brief

Corn yield in Malawi will rise to 3.2 mln tons in the current season despite insect damage.

Winter wheat crops in France were in slightly better condition last week. As of February 20, 2017, 93% of soft wheat crops were in good or excellent condition (92% a week earlier and 94% a year earlier). 90% of winter barley areas were in good or excellent condition (91% and 94%) while 85% of hard wheat areas are in the same group (85% and 90%). As of February 20, 2017, 17% of the planned areas have been sowed (8% and 6%).

In 2017 Indonesia will import 8.7 – 9 mln tons of milling wheat versus 8.34 mln tons in 2016 according to information from the Association of Millers in the country. Australia is the biggest wheat importer in the country, but its market share has dropped to 30% of the total delivery of the total in 2016 with 60% in 2015.

Japanese Ministry of Agriculture has announced an auction for the purchase of 113,167 tons of milling wheat from the USA and Australia.

In the current season (July - June), Saudi Arabia may increase its grain import to 18.209 mln tons, FAOprojected. This is an 8% increase versus the previous season and 3 mln tons more than the average five-year level. Barley import will be 9.4 mln tons while corn will stay at 3.5 mln tons. Wheat import will remain high at 3.8 mln tons while rice will drop to 1.5 mln tons, which is a decrease on the average 5-year level.