Palm Oil Export From Key Exporters Reduced By 4.6 Mln Tons In 2016

Oil World reported that palm oil export from Indonesia and Malaysia reached 39.4 mln tons in 2016, which is a 4.6 mln tons decline on 2015.

Export from Malaysia decreased by 1.4 mln tons while 3.2 mln tons less were exported from Indonesia.

Export reduction comes as a result of the reduced production. Another reason for export decline is the higher palm oil consumption in Indonesia’s biodiesel industry +2.1 mln tons.

The biggest palm oil delivery drop concerns the EU 5.68 mln tons (6.21) followed by India 8.25 mln tons (9.43) and China 4.61 mln tons (6.06). Reduced palm oil stocks in China and India have been reported.

In 2016, African countries imported 5.51 mln tons (6.23) while Asian countries imported 25.07 mln tons (28.25).