Key Exporters Increased Rapeseed Export In January By 0.73 Mln Tons

Oil World reported that, in January 2017, the three key rapeseed exporters in the world exported 0.73 mln tons more than January 2016. Export reached 1.84 mln tons.

1.24 mln tons of rapeseed (+0.45 mln tons) were exported from Canada during the month with Australia exporting 550,000 tons (313,000) and Ukraine further 51,000 tons (9,000).

656,000 tons of rapeseed (347,000) were imported in the EU during the month – mainly from Australia. 622,000 tons of rapeseed (373,000) were imported in China, Japan imported 195,000 tons (162,000), the UAE import was 163,000 tons (23,000) while the USA imported 71,000 tons (34,000).

Oil World analysts reported that 1.24 mln tons of rapeseed were exported from Canada in January 2017 versus 789,000 tons a year earlier.

China reached a best ever Canadian rapeseed monthly import of 622,000 tons versus 373,000 tons in January 2016, which is 50% of the total export volume. 105,000 tons of rapeseed (57,000) were exported to the EU followed by 70,000 tons (34,000) to the USA, 86,000 tons (46,000) to Mexico, 175,000 tons (150,000) to Japan and 163,000 tons (23,000) to the UAE.

5.5 mln tons of rapeseed (4.75) were exported from Canada in the first half of 2016 - 2017, including 512,000 tons (301,000) to the EU, 606,000 tons (417,000) to Pakistan 458,000 tons (276,000) to the UAE. 1.62 mln tons of rapeseed (1.84) were exported to China.