Indonesia Inceased Its Interest In Soybean Import

Oil World reported that oilseeds import in Indonesia reached 330,000 tons in January 2017, which is more than twice higher than January 2016 – 142,000 tons. Soybean was the main import target – 303,000 tons (111,000).

Experts inform that Indonesia's intensive soybean purchases in the past few months have lead to the growth of the annual import forecast, which will rise by 11% versus the previous season up to 2.4 mln tons.

Soybean meal import in Indonesia rose considerably in January 2017 to 262,000 tons (224,000). 839,000 tons of new soybean (660,000) and 1.26 mln tons of soybean meal (1.41) have been imported in the country since the start of the season.