Mexico: Wheat Import Will Keep Growing

Wheat production in Mexico will go down next season to the average levels for the past five years, FAS USDA projected.

The yield will drop to 3.65 mln tons as a result of the smaller areas and the worse weather conditions compared with last year. Wheat yield was 3.884 mln tons in the country in 2016 - 2017.

Wheat consumption in Mexico will grow by 50,000 tons to 7.3 mln tonsмлн. тона.

Import will grow considerably from 4.9 mln tons to 4.95 mln tons. Production in the country consists of mainly hard wheat, so soft wheat import has been growing for the third season in a row.

The USA with 3.65 mln tons, Russia, Ukraine and France are the biggest wheat suppliers.

Wheat export in the season will drop by 0.25 mln tons to 1.25 mln tons as  Algeria, Italy and Turkey are the biggest customers.