News In Brief

Algeria has announced an auction for the purchase of 25,000 tons of corn of random origin to be delivered in the second half of April.

The Philippines have announced an auction for the import of 150,000 tons of wheat fodder and 20,000 tons of milling wheat of random origin to be delivered between July and September.

Japan ahs cancelled an auction for the import of 200,000 tons of barley fodder to be delivered before August 31, 2017.

The Ministry of Agriculture of India is about to introduce a higher wheat import tax of up to 10% versus the current 0%.

FAS USDA analysts estimate that palm oil production in Indonesia in 2017 – 2018 will reach 26.5 mln tons, which is +2.5 mln tons more than 2016 – 2017. Yield growth is due to the higher estimates on oil production. The product export, however, will remain relatively low – 25.5 mln tons or growth of only 0.5 mln tons. Export was 25.96 mln tons in 2014 – 2015. Export will remain relatively weak as a result of the strong competition on the world oil market – mainly soybean oil.

On March 22, 2017 Jordan bought 50,000 tons of hard wheat at 203 USD/ton C&F. On March 23, 2017 an auction for the purchase of 100,000 tons of barley fodder will be carried out, to be delivered in May.

32.13 mln tons of grain have been exported from Ukraine since the start of the season including 14.29 mln tons of wheat, 4.73 mln tons of barley and 12.94 mln tons of corn. 269,200 tons of flour have also been exported.