News In Brief

Spring crop sowing in Russia has been completed on 0.824 mln hectares as of March 30, 2017 or 1.6% of the plan. 0.892 mln hectares of spring crops had been sowed as of the same date in 2016. Areas sowed with grains have reached 0.613 mln hectares now (2% and 6.35).

South Africa's meteorological department has announced a high El Niño alert. The phenomenon is expected to apper at the end of the local winter or the beginning of spring. If the forecast comes true, this will be the shortest gap between two cosecutive phenomena since the 1960s.

The government of Egypt is looking into the possibility for food provision per capita to be increased by 29%.

The government of the Philippines is planning to cancel the import of 250,000 tons of rice due to the increase in domestic rice yield.

Jordan has purchased 50,000 tons of wheat of random origin at 202 USD/ton C&F to be delivered in the second half of September.

As of the moment, Brazilian farmers have sold 45% of the 2016 – 2017 soybean yield, which matches the average yearly level, but it is 20% less than last year. The index is considered low keeping in mind the fast harvesting tempo. The slow sales speed is related with the fall of the prices, which are currently at their lowest level for the past two years. The decline in sales is the relult of the Brazilian Real becoming cheaper. Sales are expected to rise beofre sfrinha harvesting.

Tunisia is to carry out an auction for the purchase of 100,000 tons of soft wheat and 75,000 tons of barley fodder of random origin. Wheat delivery will be made in May or June while the barley will be delivered between May and July.