Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

Jordan has announced an auction for the purchase of 100,000 tons of milling wheat to be delivered in October or November. An auction for the purchase of 100,000 tons of barley fodder ahs been announced too, to be delivered in May or June.

Brazilian agency Agroconsult estimates this season's grain yield in the country will be 236 mln tons, which is 25% more than the previous year. Soybean yield will be 113.3 mln tons (+2.3 mln tons versus the previous forecast and +17.3 mln tons more than the previous year). Corn yield will be 95 mln tons - no change.

Tunisia purchased 100,000 tons of wheat at 187.36 – 201.68 USD/ton C&F. The purchase also included 50,000 tons of barley at 172.72 – 175.74 USD/ton C&F. Delivery will be made between May and July.

Franch farmers have finished with the sowng of spring barley. Crop development is four days ahead of the average level for the past five years. Winter soft wheat crops keep gradually deteriorating. 90% of the crops are in good or excellent condition (91% a week earlier and 92% a year earlier). 85% of spring barley areas are in a similar condition (85% and 91%).

Between September and February, large and medium-sized Ukrainian plants produced 2.92 mln tons of sunflower, which was 43% more than the previous year and it is a record level, too.

Corn harvesting in Argentina is slowing down, according to information from Buenos Aires grain stock exchange. Only 2.9% of the areas were sowed over the week. As of March 30, 2017 11% of corn areas have been harvested, which is 1.9% less than the previous year. 538,800 tons of corn have been harvested with average production of 8,720 kg/hectare.