Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

Over the month of March, corn export from Brazil dropped to 243,000 tons, which was 50% less than February 2017 and 88% less than March 2016, according to information from the country's Ministry of Agriculture.

Iraq has announced an auction for the purchase of at least 50,000 tons of hard wheat.

2017 wheat yield in Syria is likely to reach 2.17 mln tons, which is 1 mln tons more than 2016 – 1.169 mln tons. The 2016 wheat yield in Syria was the lowest for the past 27 years. Before the war, 4 mln tons of wheat were produced annually, 1.5 mln tons of which were exported.

Palm oil export from Indonesia dropped by 7% in February versus the previous month. There is export growth of 10.5% versus February 2016.

On 6.04.2017 Japan purchased 120,507 tons of wheat from the USA, Canada and Australia.

On 1.04.2017 the campaign for the purchase of wheat from FCI started in India. 1.379 mln tons of wheat from domestic farmers have been bought so far.

Informa Economics analysts estimate the 2017 – 2018 winter wheat yield in the USA at 34.95 mln tons. In 2016 – 2017 the yield was 45.48 mln tons. Wheat areas decreased by 9% versus last year down to 32.747 mln acres.

Only 8% of soybean areas in Argentina were harvested at the start of the week versus 13% a year earlier. 11% of corn areas (13%) have been harvested.