FAS USDA: Poland will harvest 30.1 mln tonnes of grain

In 2017 – 2018 grain crop in Poland will reach 30.1 mln. tonnes compared to 30.0 mln. tonnes for the current season, according to FAS USDA forecast.

The areas under grain cultivation increase  to 7.56 mln. ha (+ 1.5%  compared to last year) in 2017.

The state of winter crops is now considered to be good. Losses from wintering are minimal.

Wheat yield will be 10.8 mln. tonnes (11.1 mln. tonnes in the current season), corn 4.2 mln. tonnes (4.2), barley 3.55 mln. tonnes (3.6), and rice 2.5 mln. tonnes (2.2).

In the current season, which ends in June, 5.3 mln. tonnes of grain will be exported from Poland, incl. 3.6 mln. tonnes of wheat. Major clients are Saudi Arabia, Germany, Algeria and Morocco.