Egypt purchased 295,000 tonnes of wheat from Romania, Russia, USA and Ukraine

On May 17th, 2017 Egypt's GASC purchased 295,000 tonnes of milling wheat from Romania, Russia, USA and Ukraine as follows:

- Supplier Cerealcom 60,000 tonnes Romanian wheat at price 197.49 USD/mt FOB + freight 9.69 USD/mt, total 207.18 USD/mt C&F.

- Supplier Ameropa 60,000 tonnes HRW wheat from the US аt price 186.75 USD/mt FOB + freight 20.5 USD/mt, total 207.25 USD/mt C&F.

- Supplier Louis Dreyfus 55,000 tonens HRW wheat from the US аt price 185.4 USD/mt FOB + freight 22.5 USD/mt, total 207.9 USD/mt C&F.

- Supplier Midgulf 60,000 tonnes Russian wheat at price 198 USD/mt FOB + freight 10.49 USD/mt, total 208.49 USD/mt.

- Supplier Louis Dreyfus 60,000 tonnes Ukarinian wheat at price 197.05 USD/mt + freight 11.69 USD/mt, total 208.74 USD/mt C&F.

For the second time this season, the US sells wheat in Egypt. The first sale was in the winter, but then it obviously referred to a batch transferred from another buyer.