Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

India's State Fund has purchased 29.26 mln. tonnes of new crop wheat

The purchase of  33 million tonnes of wheat from farmers is planned throughout the current campaign, which is by 44% more than the previous year. According to analysts, this volume will not be reached because the campaign in the main productive regions is already completed.

Jordan has announced a tender for the purchase of 100 000 tonnes of feed barley of optional origin.

On May 25th, 2017 South Korea's KOCOPIA Association purchased 55,000 tonnes of corn of optional origin, priced 187.92 USD/mt, C&F and for shipment until September 5th, 2017. Sellers are from South America, USA or South Africa.

Iraq has announced a tender for the purchase of 50,000 tonnes of hard wheat from the United States, Canada or Australia.

From the start of the current campaign, Egyptian State Fund has purchased 2.9 million tonnes of wheat from local farmers. Purchases are planned to reach 3.5-4.0 million tonnes. Egypt is now importing wheat in order to fill strategic stocks to the level of six months consumption.