FAS USDA: India will harvest a record wheat crop

In the current season (April - March) India will harvest a record wheat crop and will restrict wheat import according to latest forecast of FAS USDA.

Wheat crop is decreased to a minimum of 96 million tonnes, which despite the reduction is a record achievement. India's Ministry of Agriculture estimates the yield at 97.4 million tonnes. Last year, India harvested 87 million tonnes of wheat. Areas under wheat cultivation are growing in the new season to 30,715 million hectares given 30,418 million hectares a year earlier.

From the beginning of the wheat purchasing campaign the State Fund has concluded contracts for the purchase of 30 million tonnes of wheat, given only 23 million tonnes for the entire previous campaign.

Domestic wheat consumption in the country continues to grow to 99 million tonnes in the new season (97.5 million tonnes in the old one).

Import of wheat in the country will decrease to 4 million tonnes (6), and transitional stocks will increase to 10.14 million tonnes (9.64).