Hot weather worsens condition of wheat in the EU

Hot weather in France and the southern parts of Europe lowers the potential for wheat yield for the season.

In Germany, Poland and the UK, on ​​the contrary, yield will be higher due to rainfall.

Last week, Strategie Grains lowered its forecast for EU wheat crop by 1.1 million tonnes to 141.6 million tonnes.

Agritel lowered its forecast for soft wheat crop in France to 36-37 million tonnes from 37.1 million tonnes in the previous forecast. By the end of the week temperatures in France will drop to their average for this time of the year. In 2016 the wheat crop in France was 28 million tonnes, the lowest in decades. In 2015. - 41 million tonnes, a record result.

Extreme weather changes in Spain - from cold to record heat, will lower soft wheat crop in the country to 3.7 million tonnes given 7.2 million tonnes in 2016.

In Germany, weather is more favorable to crops. They are growing well, but the crop is likely to be at average levels. According to forecasts of DBV, the crop will be 25.2 million tonnes given a May forecast of 24.98 million tonnes, which is 3% more than the previous year.

In Poland, the fourth largest wheat producer in the EU, the crop will be 11.3 million tonnes, according to Sparks Polska's latest forecast, which is 1% more than 2016.

Wheat crops in Great Britain are in good condition and the forecasts range from 14.5 to 15.0 million tonnes given 14.38 million tonnes in 2016.