Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

As of June 22nd 2017г, winter barley harvest has started in Ukraine. Average yield from harvested areas amounts to 3.14 mt/ha.

This season, 152,000 hectares more than last year were sown with barley in Ukraine.

Egypt's state-owned company GASC extends the deadline for submitting of documents for the soybeans purchasing tender. A purchase of 30,000 tonnes of soybeans for shipment from August 15th to August 30th  is planned.

Argentina's Ministry of Agriculture raised its forecast for the corn crop and lowered the one for soybeans. In the current season, the corn crop in the country will reach 47-5 million tonnes given May forecast of 46.5 million tonnes and 39.8 million tonnes in the previous season. As of soybeans, the forecast is 57 million tonnes (58 and 58.8). The changes are related to the size of the areas under cultivation.

According to the Institute of Agricultural Economy in Brazil, the second crop corn harvest is successful. As of June 16th 2017 in Matto Grosso, 12% of the areas are harvested, which is 1.8% more than the same period last year and 6.3% more than the average in recent years. Dry and warm weather is the cause for the campaign's rapid progress. In Goiaz, where 12% of the total areas under corn cultivation are located, harvest is completed on 5% of the areas. In this state, the average yield now reaches 5.77 mt / ha given 1.13 mt / ha in the weak 2015-2016.