2.3 – 2.5 million tonnes of grain will be exported from Russia in July

Russia will enter the new economic year, which starts on July 1st 2017 with exports of 2.3-2.5 million tonnes of grain, according to Russagrotrans's estimate. In July 2016, the export was 2.55 million tonnes.

In June, grain export could reach 1.7 million tonnes given  912,000 tonnes in June 2016. Wheat export is estimated at 1.1 million tonnes (0.705), corn -  350,000 tonnes (168,000), barley - 200,000 tonnes (12,000).

Pre-export orders from deep-sea ports reached 916,900 tonnes.

During the period June 1st – 22nd , 452,000 tonnes of grain (13.5% of this ports' export) were exported from deep-water Russian ports to Egypt, South Korea - 10.5%, Sudan - 7.4%.

Throughout 2016 – 2017 from Russia will be exported 35.7 million tonnes of grain, incl. 27.3 million tonnes of wheat. In 2017 – 2018 export will grow to 37 million tonnes (28.5).