During the period October - June 2016 – 2017 global export of soybean meal declines

According to Oil World, during the period October - June 2016 – 2017 global export of soybean meal from the 5 top global exporters declines by 1.3 million tonnes to 44.7 million tonnes.

10.2 million tonnes of soybean meal (12.01 million tonnes a year earlier) were exported from Brazil, from the US 8.39 million tonnes (8.47), Paraguay 1.61 million tonnes (1.99), Argentina 23.33 million tonnes (23.3) . There is also a decline in export from China, Bolivia and Canada.

The major buyers were the EU 15.07 million tonnes (16.39), African countries 3.2 million tonnes (4.2), Asian countries 18.89 million tonnes (17.76).