Ukraine: 1.2 million tonnes of grain are exported from the beginning of the season

From the beginning of 2017 – 2018 until July 19th 2017 1.253 million tonnes of grain were exported from Ukraine, according to the Minsitry of Agriculture of the country.

194,000 tonnes of wheat, 370,000 tonnes of barley, 689,000 tonnes of corn and 2,900 tonnes of wheat flour were exported.

According to preliminary data in 2016 - 2017, 43.8 million tonnes of grain, were exported from Ukraine which is a historic record. Export revenues grew by 6% to $ 6.4 billion.

The previous record was set in 2015 - 2016. - 39.4 million tonnes.

In 2016 - 2017 5.35 million tonnes of barley were exported from Ukraine, which is 21% more than 2015-2016. (4.41). During the season main buyers of Ukrainian barley are Saudi Arabia 42% of the export and Libya 18%.

In 2016 - 2017 the export of rapeseed from Ukraine is about 1 million tonnes (-28%) as this isa low for the last 9 years. The main buyers were Poland 20%, Belgium 20%, France 18%, Germany 14%, The Netherlands 13%, Portugal 8%.