Strategie Grains raises its forecast for wheat, abrley and corn crops in the EU

Harvest campaign in the EU shows diverse yields and quality of the grains. There are good indicators in Southeast Europe while in Germany rainfall had damaging impact.

Strategie Grains raises its forecast for soft wheat crop in the EU to 141 million tonnes given a July forecast of 140.7 million tonnes.

The crop forecast for Bulgaria, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and France is raised by 2.1 million tonnes,. The forecast for Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain and the UK is decreased by 1.8 million tonnes,. Wheat in Southeast Europe and France is good, while it is deteriorated in Germany and the central parts of the continent.

Barley production in the EU is increased by 700.000 tonnes to 58.2 million tonnes, by 3% less than in 2016Forecast for France, Poland and Hungary grows by 0.5 million tonnes. Production in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Bulgaria declines.