Wheat stocks are at 10.136 million tonnes(+11.3%), incl. milling wheat 7.417 million tonnes (+13.4%).
Barley stocks - 1.137 million tonnes (+15.2%), that of corn 702,000 tonnes (+54.8%).
Rye atocks decline by 12% to 329,000 tonnes, that of rice by 54.8% to 19,000 tonnes.
harvest of wheat is completed on areas of 13.0 million hectares (46.8% и 14.4), 55.7 million tonnes are harvested (52.2) at average yield of 4.27 mt/ha (3.63).
3.3 million hectares of areas under barley cultivation are harveted 40.4% и 5.0), 10.8 million tonnes of barley are harvested (13.0) at average yield of 3.33 mt/ha(2.6).
Harvest is completed on areas under rapeseed cultivation of 145,800 hecatres (14.3% и 99,900), 320,300 tonnes of rapeseed are ahrvested (179,900) at average yield of 2.2 mt/ha (1.5).