Strategie Grains raised its estimate for soft wheat crop in the EU

In its September report, Strategie Grains raised its estimate for soft wheat in the EU in 2017 by 1.5 million tonnes to 142.5 million tonnes, by 4.7% more than the previous year.

Because of the strong competition from the Black Sea region, the forecast for export in 2017 - 2018 is reduced. with 1.3 million tonnes to 23.1 million tonnes (24 million tonnes in 2016-2017).

The production of hard wheat increased by 0.1 million tonnes to 8.9 million tonnes (-10%).

The evaluation of the barley crop was increased by 0.3 million tonnes to 58.5 million tonnes (-2.2%).

The corn crop is increased by 0.1 million tonnes to 59 million tonnes (-1.5%).