On September 19, 2017 Egypt purchased 175,000 tonnes of Russian wheat

On September 19, 2017 GASC purchased 175,000 tonnes of Russian wheat for October 21 – 31 shipment.

- ADM, 60,000 tonnes of Russian wheat at price of 195 USD / mt, FOB + FRT 15.50 USD / mt, a total of 210.50 USD / mt, C & F.

- GTCS: 60,000 tonnes of Russian wheat at price of 198 USD / mt, FOB + FRQ 14.20 USD / mt, a total of 212.20 USD / mt, C & F.

- GTCS: 55,000 tonnes of Russian wheat at price of 197 USD / mt, FOB + FRT 16,25 USD / mt, a total of 213.25 USD / mt, C & F.

Only 6 offers were submitted at the tender for about 15 offers in the previous auctions. Prices are now higher than the previous purchases due to investigation of both batches of wheat from Romania and France. On the Egyptian side it is alleged that the supplies are with higher poppy seed content. At the auction offers for Russian, Romanian and French wheat were submitted. The premium for Russian wheat is about 4 USD / mt and for the French and Romanian 10 and 11 USD / mt.

The prices of Romanian FOB wheat were 204.99 USD / mt and for the French 208.90 / EUR/mt.