Grain Highlights

During the period July - August 2017 – 2018, 1.505 million tonnes of wheat were exported from Romania at 1.608 million tonnes yoy. Major customers are Egypt Jordan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and SAR.


- Jordans tender for the purchse of 100,000 tonnes of milling wheat failed again due to the hard requirements.

- The commercial company Grainbow has filed a claim with the administrative court of Egypt against GASC. The amount of the claim is USD 1.2 million and concerns the delivery of wheat in March.
- Japan has purchased 123,736 tonnes of wheat from the United States, Canada and Australia with delivery from 21.11.2017 to 31.01.2018.
- During the period July - August 2017 - 2018, Romania exported 1.505 million tonnes of wheat at 1.608 million tonnes a year earlier. The major customers were Egypt, Jordan, Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and South Africa.



- According to data of the Ministry of Agriculture of Belarus, over 350,800 tonnes of corn have been harvested in the country as of 19.10.2017, 44.800 hectares of crops are harvested, which is 34.6% of the areas with an average yield of 7.84 tonnes / ha.
- The initial stocks of corn in Japan in 2017 - 2018 are estimated at 0.7 million tonnes. The supply of corn during the season will be 15.7 million tonnes, which is 0.1 million tonnes less than the previous season. During the season, imports of corn in Japan will be 15 million tonnes, and consumption will also be 15 million tonnes. The ending stocks will be 0.7 million tonnes.
- In 2017 - 2018 the grain crop in Australia will be 32.8 million tonnes, which is a drop of 9.3 million tonnes comparing 2017 to 2016. Initial grain stocks will be 9.5 million tonnes, supply - 42.4 million tonnes, exports - 25 million tonnes, domestic consumption - 13.5 million tonnes, and ending stocks - 4 million tonnes.


Oil crops and vegetable oils

- According to a market survey, palm oil exports from Indonesia in September fell to 2.69 million tonnes at 2.71 million tonnes in August. The reduction is due to increased import duties in India - up to 15%. In September, palm oil production in the country rose to 3.63 million tonnes (3.59), and domestic consumption also rose to 25,000 tonnes. Ending stocks of palm oil in the month declined to 2.4 million tonnes (2.6).
- According to date from Oil World, the import of the four major vegetable oils in the EU increased by 16% compared to the previous year to 2.6 million tonnes in the period July - September. Soybean oil imports reached 71,000 tonnes (67,000 tonnes in the previous year), sunflower oil 438,000 (304,000), rapeseed oil 60,000 tonnes (54,000), soybean oil 2.02 million tonnes (1.8).

- According to data from Oil World, in 2016 - 2017, 9.6 million tonnes of vegetable oils (+ 3%) were delivered to the EU, palm oil 7.35 million tonnes (7.28), sunflower oil 1.83 million tonnes (1.53), soybean oil 295,000 tonnes (326,000) and rapeseed oil 161,000 tonnes (202,000).
- FranceAgriMer forecasts a rise in sunflower production in France up to 1.25 million tonnes in 2017-2018, at 1.18 million tonnes in 2016-2017. Sunflower imports will be 510,000 tonnes, incl. from the EU 360,000 tonnes and the export - 317,000 tonnes.

- FranceAgriMer forecasts that in 2017 - 2018, the rapeseed crop in France will be 5.5 million tonnes (4.7). Imports will be 850,000 tonnes (-34%), and exports will be 1.55 million tonnes (+ 13%).
- The Government of Indonesia is implementing a program to increase the yield from palm plantations. It plans to re-plant 2,4 million hectares of palm trees, of which 400,000 hectares of very old plants. The growth of yield from replanting plantations is expected to be 2 tonnes / ha to 8 tonnes / ha. The change of yields is expected to last up to two years. Now there are 11.9 million hectares of palm plantations in the country.

- The drought slows much the sowing of soybeans in the state of Brazil, Mato Grosso. Up to now, only 20% of the area is planted at 70% a year earlier. In the coming days rain is expected which will accelerate the campaign. Farmers in the state are delaying the sale of soybeans due to its low price of 7.35 - 8.06 USD / bushel, which gives a minimal profit.