Grain Highlights 19.06.2023

According to SovEcon's forecast, wheat exports from Russia will reach 2.8-3.2 million tons in June, which is three times more than in June 2022.

- During the past week, the export of wheat from Russia was 0.77 million tons, and two weeks ago it was 0.65 million tons.

- During the week of June 12-18, 497,100 tons of grain were exported from the Russian port of Novorossiysk, including 462,500 tons of wheat, 25,600 tons of peas and 9,000 tons of barley. The biggest recipients of wheat were Turkey with 122,000 tons, Egypt with 63,000 tons, of peas only Turkey and of barley only Tunisia.

- As of June 1, 2023, 27.254 million hectares were planted with spring cereals in Russia, which is 8.1% more than in 2022. 8.044 million hectares (+5.9%) were sown with sunseed.

- According to FranceAgriMer data, as of 12/06/2023, 85% of soft wheat crops in France are in good and excellent condition (88% a week earlier and 65% in 2022), as well as 81% of durum wheat crops (-1% and 61%). 86% of the corn crops are in a similar state (88% and 87%).

- According to NOPA data, 4.8 million tons of soybeans were processed in the United States in May (4.7 in April and 4.7 in May 2022). Processing in the month was at its lowest level since September 2022.

- According to data from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, as of 15.06.2023, 13.44 million hectares of soybeans were harvested in Argentina, which is 98% of the areas (+4% for the week). 20.58 million tons of soybeans were harvested out of the expected 21 million tons. Corn has been harvested on 38% of the areas. Poor yields in Córdoba will lower the country's production, which is now expected at 36 million tons.

- In April, Australia exported 593,671 tons of barley (-26% compared to March) and 400,170 tons of sorghum (-12%). The export of fodder barley reached 470,448 tons, and the export of malting barley was 123,223 tons. The biggest buyer of feed barley is Vietnam with 122,438 tons, followed by Japan with 91,644 tons and Thailand with 91,570 tons. 99,000 tons of malting barley were sent to Mexico and 20,612 tons to Japan.

- In 2019 - 2021, Iraq has reached a level of self-sufficiency in wheat because the supply has exceeded the initial forecasts. The Ministry of Agriculture estimates the production at 4-4.5 million tons, and the annual consumption is expected at 4.2 million tons. In 2019, the production was 4.7 million tons, in 2020 – 6.2 million tons, in 2021 – 4.2 million tons. In 2022, the production was 3 million tons and 1 million tons of quality wheat were imported to mix with the domestic production.

- Saudi Arabia bought 355,000 tons of wheat at 302.9 USD/ton C&F with August-December delivery.

- Algeria has purchased at least 50,000 tons of wheat of any origin and delivery in August.