Grain Highlights 20.06.2023

On 19/06/2023, Algeria purchased 600,000 tons of milling wheat of any origin.

- During the period June 1-19, 2.538 million tons of wheat were exported from Russia, which is 2.6 times more than the previous year. Grain exports reached 2.97 million tons (+2.1 times), corn exports were 286,000 tons (+2%) and barley exports reached 243,000 tons (-17%). Wheat exports to Egypt reached 560,000 tons (+3.4 times), 437,000 tons to Turkey (+13%) and 137,000 tons to Saudi Arabia.  Since the beginning of the season, 59.75 million tons of grain have been exported from Russia, including 51.7 million tons of wheat, 4.3 million tons of barley and 3.7 million tons of corn.

- In the first fifty weeks of 2022/23, 31.08 million tons of wheat were exported from the EU, which is 11% more than the previous year. The export of soft wheat was 30.4 million tons (+13%), durum wheat exports reached 0.713 million tons (-27%) and soft wheat flour exports were 0.454 million tons (-14%). The largest exporter of wheat is France with 10.2 million tons, followed by Romania with 4.2 million tons and Germany with 3.7 million tons. The biggest buyers of soft wheat are Morocco with 4.7 million tons, Algeria with 4.1 million tons, Nigeria with 2.8 million tons, Saudi Arabia with 1.5 million tons. The largest buyers of durum wheat were Tunisia with 0.2 million tons, UAE, Tanzania, Israel and Algeria .

- MARS forecast an average yield of soft wheat in the EU for the 2023/24 crop of 5.92 tons/hectare (-1% compared to the previous estimate, +2% compared to 2022, +2% for the last five years). The average yield of durum wheat is projected at 3.4 tons/hectare (-2%, +5%, -3%), of winter barley at 5.91 tons/hectare (-2%, unchanged, +2%). The average yield of spring barley is estimated at 3.73 tons/hectare (-4%, -11%, + 2%), of corn at 7.61 tons/hectare (no change, +29%, +2%), average rapeseed yield is expeected at 3.29 tons/hectare (-1%, -1%, +6%), soybean yield is forecasted at 2.89 tons/hectare (+1%) , +29%, +5%) and the average sunseed yield is projected to reach 2.21 tons/hectare (unchanged, +18% for the last five years).

- According to AgRural data, as of 18/06/2023, the harvesting of the second corn crop in Brazil has been completed on 4.7% of the areas (+2.5% for the week and 11.4% a year earlier) with the campaign mainly taking place in the state of Mato Grosso.

- According to data from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, as of 15/06/2023, 13.44 million hectares of soybeans were harvested in Argentina (+4% for the week and 98% of all areas). 20.58 million tons of soybeans were harvested. Corn has been harvested on 38% of the areas.

- According to data from the main customs administration of China, 1.2 million tons of wheat (+72% compared to last year), 1.7 million tons of corn (-20%) were imported into the country in May. From the beginning of 2023, the import of wheat reached 7.2 million tons (+63%), and corn imports reached 10.2 million tons (-11%).

- On 19.06.2023, Algeria purchased 600,000 tons of milling wheat of any origin. Most likely 300,000 tons are from Russia at 261.50 USD/ton C&F and the rest are also from Russia but at a price of 262.50 – 264.50 USD/ton C&F. Deliveries will be in August.

- Egypt's strategic wheat stocks are sufficient to meet domestic demand for the next 6 months. 3.6 million tons of grain were purchased from local farmers.

- During the week of June 9-15, authorities in Egypt were able to release from loaded ships 118,000 tons of corn worth $42 million, 42,000 tons of soybeans worth $31 million, and feed additives worth $9 million.

- Saudi Arabia has bought 355,000 tons of wheat at a price of 302.9 USD/ton C&F and delivery in August-December.

- Iran has announced a tender to buy 120,000 tons of soymeal from Brazil or Argentina. The previous tender has been cancelled.