Grain Highlights 19.07.2023

Ukraine proposed to the UN and all interested parties to change the route of ships carrying grain from Ukrainian ports through the territorial waters of Romania and Bulgaria to Turkey.

- In the Stavropol region of Russia, 1.5 million hectares were harvested with all crops (68% of all areas) and 5.2 million tons of grain were harvested at an average yield of 3.43 tons/hectare.

- During the period July 1-19, 1,432 million tons of cereals were exported from Ukraine (1,082 a year earlier), including wheat exports of 451,000 tons (222,000), barley exports of 161,000 tons (88,000) and corn exports of 818,000 tons (766,000).

- Chicago commodity funds were net buyers of 20,000 contracts of corn, 9,500 contracts of soybeans and 5,500 contracts of wheat yesterday.

- According to data from the Statistical Service of China, 820,000 tons of wheat (+59% compared to June 2022), 1.1 million tons of barley (+158%) and 1.9 million tons of corn (-16%) were imported into the country in June. In the first 6 months of 2023, wheat supplies were 8 million tons (+62%), corn imports reached 12 million tons (-12%) and barley imports totalled 5.1 million tons (+53%).

- During the first 15 days of July or the new season 2023/24, the largest buyer of Russian grain is Saudi Arabia with 450,000 tons, including 290,000 tons of wheat.

- Iran's state company SLAL is looking to buy 180,000 tons of corn of any origin with August-September delivery.