Grain Highlights 14.07.2024

According to a forecast by Rusagrotrans, Russia will export 2.5 million tons of wheat in July /2.8 in the previous estimate/.

- According to a forecast by Rusagrotrans, Russia will export 2.5 million tons of wheat in July /2.8 in the previous estimate/. In the first 10 days of the month, exports drop to 0.7 million tons, which is the lowest level since July 2021 and July 2022, when total exports for the months were 2.25 million tons and 2.23 million tons, respectively. In July 2023, exports were 4.2 million tons.

- According to local authorities in Rostov Region of Russia, the grain production in the region for the new season will decrease to 10 million tons from 16 million tons in 2023.

- During the week of July 17 – 23, the export tax on Russian wheat will be 1,780.5 rubles/ton /1,701.3 a week earlier/. The export tax on barley and corn remains zero.

- As of July 10, 2024, Russia has harvested 31.6 million tons of grain /20.6 in 2023/, including 25.348 million tons of wheat, 3.453 million tons of barley.

- As of July 11, 2024, in Ukraine, 2.282 million hectares of cereal crops have been harvested, yielding 8.41 million tons of grain with an average yield of 3.69 tons/hectare. The harvested wheat is 5.714 million tons with an average yield of 3.79 tons/hectare, 2.421 million tons of barley with a yield of 3.77 tons/hectare.

- FranceAgriMer forecasts exports of soft wheat from France in 2024/25 to non-EU countries at 7.5 million tons /10.2 in 2023/24/. Exports to EU countries will be 6.229 million tons, and the total exports 16.537 million tons /-1%/. Ending stocks are estimated at 3 million tons /3.8/.

- The Rosario Grain Exchange has lowered its forecast for the 2024/25 wheat production in Argentina to 20.5 million tons from 21 million tons due to low rainfall in the productive regions.

- According to an assessment by China's National Bureau of Statistics, despite prolonged drought and heat in the country, the production of spring wheat will be 138.22 million tons, which is 2.7% more than in 2023. The total production of spring cereals will reach 149.78 million tons /+2.5%/.

- According to data from SEA, India's import of vegetable oils in June was 1.55 million tons /1.31 in June 2023/.