Grain Highlights 30.07.2024

Over the past week, the United States has started harvesting spring wheat, with 1% of the crops harvested (2% a year earlier and 3% average over the past five years).

- In 2024, soybean production in Russia will reach 7.35 million tons, an 8% increase compared to 2023.

- Strategie Grains has again lowered its forecast for the EU rapeseed production in 2024 to 17.27 million tons (from a previous estimate of 17.80 million tons and down 14% compared to 2023). The sunseed production will be 9.65 million tons (down from 10.49 million tons and 9.80 million tons).

- From July 1 to 21, the EU exported 1.404 million tons of soft wheat (2.21 million tons in 2023/24 and 2.268 million tons in 2022/23). The export of durum wheat was 36,900 tons (compared to 3,700 tons in 2023/24). Major customers were Nigeria with 201,100 tons, Egypt with 194,000 tons, Morocco with 158,700 tons, Saudi Arabia with 152,100 tons, and Angola with 105,100 tons.

- In the past week, the U.S. has started harvesting spring wheat, with 1% of the crops harvested (2% a year earlier and 3% average over the past five years). Winter wheat crops have been harvested on 82% of the acreage (77% and 80%). 68% of corn crops are in good to excellent condition (67% the previous week and 55% a year earlier), and 57% of soybean crops are in good to excellent condition (58% and 52%).

- According to AgRural, as of July 25, 2024, the harvesting campaing of Brazil's second corn crop is 91% complete (an 8% increase from the previous week). Harvesting is practically finished in Mato Grosso and is nearing completion in Goiás, Paraná, and Mato Grosso do Sul. In 2023, the harvesting campaign was conducted on 55% of the areas. This year's result is the highest since 2013.

- In 2024/25, wheat production in Argentina will be 18.6 million tons (compared to 15.7 million tons in 2023/24). Exports will reach 12.4 million tons (compared to 9.2 million tons). In the new season, corn exports will reach 35.5 million tons (compared to 34 million tons).

- In the new season, wheat production in Iran will reach 15 million tons, with consumption at 11.5 million tons. Between March 20 and July 24, 2024, the government purchased 9.5 million tons of wheat from farmers, a 15% increase compared to the previous year.

- Tunisia is looking to purchase 125,000 tons of soft wheat and 50,000 tons of durum wheat with delivery between August and October.