Grain Highlights 31.08.2021

According to a forecast by Datagro, Brazil's soybean production in 2024/25 will reach 167.09 million tons, an increase of 11.8% compared to 2023/24.

- During the week starting on September 4, 2024, the export tax on wheat from Russia will be 1,115.7 rubles/ton (908.5 rubles the previous week). The export tax on corn will be 724.5 rubles/ton (701.4 rubles), and the duty on barley remains at zero.

- Russia's oilseed meal exports in July reached 507,000 tons (+44% compared to July 2023). Sunseed meal exports amounted to 441,500 tons, rapeseed meal exports are expected at 22,200 tons, and soymeal exports are estimated at 73,400 tons.

- Russian authorities have extended the export duty on sunflower seeds, soybeans, sunseed oil, and sunflower meal until August 31, 2026. The duty on sunflower seeds is 50%, but not less than 32,000 rubles/ton, and on soybeans, it is 20%, but not less than 100 USD/ton.

- From July 1 to August 30, 2024, Ukraine exported 6.989 million tons of grain (4.343 million tons a year earlier), including 3.287 million tons in August (2.069 million tons). The export included 3.593 million tons of wheat (2.047 million tons in August), 1.096 million tons of barley (0.515 million tons), and 2.273 million tons of corn (0.713 million tons).

- As of August 29, 2024, Ukraine harvested 6.802 million hectares of grain crops, which is 62% of the total area, gathering 28.712 million tons of grain. The wheat production is 21.76 million tons, with an average yield of 4.22 tons/hectare. The harvesting campaign of corn has also begun, with an average yield of 4.5 tons/hectare. Sunseed has been harvested from 5% of the areas, yielding 419,400 tons with an average yield of 1.63 tons/hectare, rapeseed has been harvested on 98% of the areas, yielding 3.4 million tons with a yield of 2.77 tons/hectare, and soybeans have been harvested on 8% of the areas, yielding 381,800 tons with a yield of 1.71 tons/hectare.

- According to a European Commission forecast, the EU grain production in 2024/25 will reach 264.5 million tons (-2% compared to 2023/24 and -5.9% compared to the five-year average). The production will be 54.1 million tons in France (64 million tons in 2023), 40.9 million tons in Germany (42.1 million tons), 34.2 million tons in Poland (35.5 million tons), and 21.6 million tons in Romania (23.8 million tons). The soft wheat production will reach 116.1 million tons (125.5 million tons in 2023 and 125.8 million tons in 2022), durum wheat production is projected to reach 6.9 million tons (7 and 7.5 million tons), corn production is expected at 61.6 million tons (62.7 and 53.1 million tons), and barley production is estimated at 51.3 million tons (47.5 and 51.4 million tons).

- Last week, 79% of corn crops in France were in good and excellent condition (+3% for the week and 82% a year earlier), according to FranceAgriMer data. The European Commission forecast for 2024 predicts a production of 13.7 million tons (+7.7% compared to last year) with an average yield of 9 tons/hectare.

- According to Datagro's forecast, Brazil's soybean production in 2024/25 will reach 167.09 million tons (+11.8% compared to 2023/24). The yield will reach 3.55 tons/hectare (+9.6%), and areas will cover 47 million hectares (+1.8%). In the new season, soybean prices in Brazil are expected to stabilize, and production costs are expected to decrease by 5-10%, ensuring good income for farmers. Soybean exports are projected to be 102 million tons (92 million tons in 2023/24 and a record 101.87 million tons in 2022/23).

- As of August 28, 2024, Argentina has harvested 99.3% of its corn crops, according to data from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. The production forecast remains at 46.5 million tons, with an average yield of 6.5 tons/hectare.

- Market operators report that Taiwan's MIFG group purchased 65,000 tons of feed corn from Brazil at a price of 197.9 USD/ton C&F, with delivery in March 2025 from ADM.

- According to government data, Egypt's strategic wheat reserves are sufficient to meet domestic consumption for the next six months. The country is monitoring opportunities to purchase large quantities of wheat if prices decline.