As of November 27, 2024, Ukraine has exported 17.764 million tons of grain crops (compared to 12.693 million tons a year earlier), including 3.365 million tons in November (3.453 million tons last year). Wheat exports totaled 8.73 million tons (0.989 million tons last year), barley exports reached 1.841 million tons (0.142), and corn exports were 6.886 million tons (2.205).
Turkey is removing the 8% import tariff on sunseed imports within an annual quota of 1 million tons. Outside the quota, the tariff will be 12% (down from 27% previously). The import tariff for sunseed oil will be 20%. In August, a tariff was introduced for unrefined sunseed oil imports within a 400,000-ton quota. The tariff will apply from January 1 to April 30, 2025. According to FAS USDA, the country's sunseed production will amount to 1.25 million tons (-0.3 million tons compared to 2023/24).
According to government data, soybean acreage in Argentina will increase by 7.8% in 2024/25 compared to 2023/24, reaching 17.8 million hectares—the highest level in six years. The growth is attributed to recent rainfall and a reduction in corn acreage. Currently, 36% of the planned soybean areas have been sown (+3% in the last week). FAS USDA forecasts a soybean production of 52 million tons.
Algeria's state company ONAB held a tender to purchase 240,000 tons of feed corn from Brazil or Argentina for delivery between December 5 and 20, and soymeal with delivery between December 20 and January 15. At least 40,000 tons of corn and 30,000 tons of soymeal were purchased in the tender.
On November 26, 2024, Jordan purchased 60,000 tons of milling wheat at a price of 268.9 USD/ton C&F from Cargill, for delivery between January 15 and 31, 2025. According to FAS USDA, Jordan is expected to import 1.2 million tons of wheat in 2024/25.