Grain Highlights

Grain Highlights 21.10.2022

The Rosario Grain Exchange lowered its forecast for the 2022/23 wheat production in Argentina by 1.5 million tons to 15 million tons (-35% compared to 2021/22 or 22.4).

Grain Highlights 20.10.2022

IKAR expects a 2022/23 sunseed production in Russia of 16.35 million tons (-0.6 compared to the previous estimate and 15.65 in 2021/22).

Grain Highlights 19.10.2022

SovEcon raised their forecast for the grain production in Russia in 2022 to 152 million tons (151.4 in the previous estimate), including wheat production of 100.6 million tons (100).

Grain Highlights 18.10.2022

Australia's 2022/23 grain production will be close to a record despite heavy and prolonged rainfall in recent weeks.

Grain Highlights 17.10.2022

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture of Ukraine, 4 million hectares will be sown with winter wheat in the country in 2022(5 a year earlier), and 0.5 million hectares (0.8) with barley.

Grain Highlights 14.10.2022

According to Rusagrotrans data, 1.7 million tons of wheat were exported from Russia over the period of October 1-13.

Grain Highlights 13.10.2022

According to data from FranceAgriMer, the export of soft wheat from France to countries outside the EU will reach 10.1 million tons in 2022/23 (+0.1 compared to the previous estimate and +15% compared to the previous season).

Grain Highlights 12.10.2022

On 11/10/2022, Algeria purchased 400,000 – 480,000 tons of milling wheat of any origin and price of 380 – 384 USD/ton C&F.

Grain Highlights 11.10.2022

Turkey is assisting the UN with increasing grain exports from Russia. The Turkish president has confirmed the possibility of Russian exports passing through Turkey.