Corn - FOB Argentina

CBOT Chicago 2025-03-21

   $/mt  -1.87
   $/mt  +3.53
Soybean Meal
   $/mt  -15.43
Soybean Oil
   $/mt  -1.19
   $/mt  +0.37
Wheat SRW
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The global grain market opens the week under pressure, with key futures in wheat, corn, and soybeans retreating as traders respond to shifting weather patterns, mounting geopolitical negotiations, and evolving export trends. Monday’s session kicks off with risk-off sentiment, despite lingering supply-side tightness in some segments.
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Geopolitical tensions and volatile weather conditions defined this week in the global grain market. While corn showed strength due to export demand and tight stocks, wheat and soybeans struggled with trade headwinds and mixed production outlooks.
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Grain markets ended Friday’s session mixed, reflecting a complex blend of weather conditions, global trade shifts, and export trends that continue to shape the outlook for wheat, corn, and soybeans. Amid modest price movements, traders balanced speculation with global news developments that may impact planting and production into the spring season.
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Today, market will react to weak wheat data, strong corn demand, and global weather volatility.
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Mixed results across commodities as market digests bearish wheat exports, corn’s strong demand, and volatile global weather patterns.
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Wheat, corn, and soybean markets opened Thursday with mixed movements as global trade concerns, shifting weather conditions, and new export data influenced investor sentiment. Wheat and soybeans continued to face pressure, while corn held steady after positive ethanol production reports.


Prices of Grains, Oilseeds, Meal and Vegetable Oils

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In the Exports / Imports section we aim to provide you with periodic and accumulated data on exports and imports of wheat, corn, barley, soybeans, rapeseed, sunflower seed, soybean meal, sunflower meal, soybean oil, sunflower oil.
The key exporters that we have listed are Russia, Ukraine, EU, USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Malaysia, Australia, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria.
We have focused on major importers of grains and oilseeds, meal and vegetable oils including China, EU, India, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria.



In the "Crops" section, you can track the current state of crops and compare it with previous years. The provided data on crop conditions are for Argentina, Brazil, the USA, and France.
For Ukraine and Bulgaria, we offer current yields during the harvest season for comparison with previous years.
In this section, you can also follow the progress of harvesting and planting for various crops in Argentina, Brazil, the USA, France, Ukraine, and Bulgaria.


Production and Ending Stocks

USDA reports
Grain and Oilseeds
Production and Ending Stocks

  Production and Ending Stocks
