USDA Decreased Its World Soybean Crop In 2016 – 2017

USDA decreased in its February report the estimate on world soybean production in 2016 - 2017 by 1.23 mln tons down to 336.6 mln tons.

The result still remains 23.7 mln tons higher than 2015 – 2016, which is a new record.

The decrease was made mainly because the yield decline in Argentina down to 55.5 mln tons (57 mln tons in the previous forecast and 56.8 mln tons in 2015 - 2016).

World soybean export will be 140.11 mln tons (139.9 and 132.3).

Soybean ending stocks will be 80.38 mln tons (82.32 and 77.2). The index was lowered because of Argentina – 29.7 mln tons (31.8 and 31.95).