The USA exported the largest amount of soybean – 6.8 mln tons versus 5.9 mln tons in January 2016. 0.9 (0.4) mln tons of soybean were exported from Brazil, 0.09 (0.04) mln tons were exported from Argentina, Paraguay exported 0.36 (0.64) mln tons and Uruguay exported 0.01 (0.03) mln tons.
China was number 1 soybean importer in January with 4.9 mln tons (4.16), ahead of Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, Mexico and Egypt. 6.53 mln tons of soybean (5.37) were exported to Asian countries, 0.24 mln tons (0.13) were exported to African countries and 0.64 mln tons (0.92) were exported to the EU.