In the current season Romania increases the export of sunflower

In 2016 the sunflower crop in Romania amounted to 1.953 mln tonnes given 1.786 mln tonnes a year earlier.

Due to larger yield, sunflower export also increases during the period September - March 2016 - 2017 up to 1.176 million tonnes given 1,029 million tonnes a year earlier. For the entire  2015 - 2016 1.08 million tonnes of sunflower have been exported from the country.

The main clients for Romanian sunflower are the EU countries headed by the Netherlands: 280,000 tonnes during the period under review (261,000), France 272,000 tonnes (127,000), Bulgaria 70,000 tonnes (60,400), Spain 85,000 tonnes (95,000), Hungary 53,000 tonnes (87,000) Italy 54,000 tonnes (78,000), Turkey 32,000 tonnes (84,000).

In 2017 - 2018 the areas under sunflower cultivation in Romania will grow by 2% compared to 2016, up to 1,037 million hectares.