Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

Decreased import of soybean meal to the EU during the period September - May 2016-2017 leads to decline in stocks as of the beginning of July.

Merchants do not buy large quantities of soybean meal expecting new production from Brazil. This results into serious pressure on prices globally. Throughout the entire 2016 – 2017 import of soybean meal to the EU will reach 14.2 - 14.3 million tonnes, which is 0.7 million tonnes less than in 2015-2016. Key suppliers are Brazil with 5.5 million tonnes (-0.6) and thr US - 5 million tonnes (-0.4). Other suppliers of soybean meal were Paraguay, Canada, Ukraine, Serbia, India, China, Moldova and Russia.

According to the Department of Agriculture in the Brazilian state of Parana, in 2017, wheat crop in the state will reach 3.1 million tonnes, which is 3.6 million tonnes less than the previous year. Parana is a major wheat producer in Brazil. The crop reduction will be associated with smaller areas under cultivation and crop yields. Now much of the corn and soybean crops are harvested. Sowing of the wheat , new crop was completed on 86% of the planned areas. In good and excellent condition are 90% of the crops. During the season, import of wheat into Brazil will have to rise to 6.9 million tonnes.