Global rapeseed production lowers

According to Oil World, in 2017 – 2018global rapeseed crop will reach 63.04 million tonnes at 63.6 million tonnes in 2016 – 2017.

So the new season will be the fourth in a row, when the crop is down.


Canadian rapeseed crop will be 18.8 million tonnes (19.5), China 5.6 million tonnes (6), India 6.4 million tonnes (7) and Australia 3.5 million tonnes (4.42).


At the same time, the prospects for crops in the EU - mainly France, Poland and the UK - are improving - 22.04 million tonnes (20.48) in total.


For countries of the former USSR - up to 4 million tonnes (2.76). The indicator is above the average for the past five years, which is 3.74 million tonnes. The total areas under rapeseed in these countries increase by 30% for the year and yields by 12%.