Grains And Oilseeds News In Brief

During the week September 11 – 17. 2017, according to Transagent, 512,573 tonnes of grain were exported from the Novorossiysk port, by 22% more than the previous week and by 200% more than the same week in 2016.

507,073 tonnes of wheat (weekly growth of 29%) and 5,500 tonnes of maize were exported.

According to market operators, Egyptian state-owned GASC plans to buy 30,000 tons of soybean oil and 10,000 tons of sunflower oil on delivery from Nov 1 to Nov 20.

According to AHDB's latest estimate, the current season in the UK is expected to have a record wheat protein level but will also have a lower grain weight. Protein in wheat is now estimated at 13.2% at an average level of 11.8% and 12.4% in 2016 for the past five years. This record was set in 2003. - 12.7%. The relative weight of British wheat will be 768 kg / cub. meter (775 in 2016).

During the period January - August 2017, 3 million tonnes of unrefined sunflower oil were produced in Russia, up 19.8% from the same period in 2016, according to Rosstat.